I know, I know. I've said it before but my life is full of change right now so why not change my blogging habits too?
On March 5th my first nephew, Dallas Edward Peterson, decided to finally grace us with his presence, nearly 2 weeks overdue! Here is the cutie's newborn pic... my what big eyes you have...
Shortly before the birth of little D, or Doodle as we've come to call him (he was born on Nat'l Cheese Doodle Day. I know, don't get me started, that is another blog post in and of itself), I found out that I was losing my job with the Ethics Commission. Due to inadequate budget funds, also known as financial mismanagement, the City was no longer able to fund my position. Ironically, there were a bunch of vacant positions throughout the City that were "budgeted for" but not filled. Why they couldn't eliminate a vacancy to pay for my position I will never understand, but nevertheless I was given the opportunity to interview for other vacancies throughout the City. After 15 interviews over 4 days (Phew!) I accepted a position as an administrative analyst for the Internal Controls Division of the Water Dept. It was a a significant paycut, but to make it sound nice they called it a demotion in lieu of layoff. Call it what you want, I call it less money for the same amount of work. However, I do like the job and I like the people I work with and I like working closer to home so that I can come home on my lunch. Plus, they were kind enough to let me take a week off after only being there a week, to go see Doodle. Can't complain with an employer like that.
So I caught a flight up North to see my sis, BIL and new nephew. Luckily I was also able to see my parents and of course, my original nephew and niece too...
Toby & Lola!
Nikki and Dallas were still in the hospital for the 1st few days of my trip, so along with daily visits to the hospital, I tried to help out with the dogs, the house and various errands that needed done. Once they came home from the 'spital we were able to relax more and just enjoy the new little man in the center of our lives.
After a week up North it was time to come back to reality and sure enough it hit me square in the face after only being home for a couple of weeks. Cowboy, our tri-color hound dog, came down with an awful stomach issue that was causing him severe pain. He quivered in pain the whole first night. Several times he dug graves in the backyard and attempted to lie down in them, as if trying to die. It scared us pretty bad, so of course, off to the vet we went. Subcutaneous fluids, a bland diet and nine-hundred-dollars later, our boy was getting back to normal but we never did discover the cause of his discomfort. He is now on a strict dog-food-ONLY diet so that we can hopefully prevent any further gastrointestinal flare-ups.
Here he is post-recovery, with his brother Rupert, sweetly snuggled up in the electric throw blanket.
The best part about April (beside being the month that my mom, boyfriend and best friend were born) is that it is the start of baseball season, Giants Baseball Season to be precise. And from the looks of it, Dallas is going to fit right in with our family.
Currently we are planning a birthday bash for James and our good buddy Gonzo who were born a day apart. So to get ready we are crossing off to-do lists left and right. This includes getting the backyard and horseshoe pit cleaned up, cleaning and organizing the house and finishing little projects that have been hanging around unfinished for months, some even years. It feels good to be making positive changes, kind of like a deep down spring cleaning. So to top off the lifestyle changes, we are also getting back into (can I say "back into" when it's been a very loooooong time since I was even kind of into?) shape. I started my work out routine last Saturday and have been good about staying on it but it hasn't included any cardio so tonight I began a running program, that after 8 weeks should have me capable of running 3+ miles (30 minutes) straight. Yay, so excited to be fit for summer.
And so, with all that change, I am inspired to also get back to blogging.....again. I have a lot to say, so I might as well start saying it.
xoxo, Kacy
1 comment:
love that pic of you and D... so cute, man he has changed since then. can't wait for you to see him soon... also i'm trying to convince dad to drive down with me before i go back to work
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