Sunday, October 28, 2007

The Basset 500

This is referred to as the Basset 500. It is a common trait among Bassets. They run in circles around and around. Cowboy does it alone all the time but when you get a group of Bassets together its even more hilarious. Picture them all running in a big circle howling and barking. Lol.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

Halloween 2007

So we went to a Halloween party last night. James was a giant ape and I was his tarzan/cavegirl. We wanted to go cheap. Last spring James rented the Ape costume for a work function. Our friend who wore it got completely drunk and smashed bananas all over the costume. The rental place washed it 5 times before they got all the bananas out and at that point we had to buy it.

It no longer has bananas on it but due to the numerous washings it is very coarse and lost tufts of fur as James walked around. :)The party was at a bar that was connected to a hotel lobby. Some of our friends got hotel rooms so we had a place to get ready and hang out. Here is James posted in a chair drinking his beer as everyone else got ready. He was already sweating his butt off in the costume.

Zora, Paul, Gary, Erica and Richie were rock stars. Obviously Kelly and Aiden were the devil and angel. They looked really good. The horns were glued onto Pauls head....too bad we didnt have any glue-remover. Haha. Gary put on eyeliner and then looked very girly so he had to put the bandana on and stand his wig up to look less gay. :)

Here is Erica and Richie. Everyone thought Richie looked like Chris Isaac (Mind Freak) but I thought he looked more like Edward Scissor Hands. He didnt like either of those because he was supposed to be a hard-core Rocker.

This is Paul and Zora, taking pre-party pics at my house. It was so funny because we told Z she had to do something bad and punk rockish but she is a total good girl. she doesnt drink, or smoke or anything and she always trys to make it to Church on Sunday. So when I suggested doing the Devil Horn sign she refused but then agreed to flip the camera off.

Heres a shot of all the guys. Paul loved having the microphone. It was his most prized possession. And Gary only has 3 fingers on his right hand so it made it that much funnier to see the big bling ring on his nub. Lol.

And here is one of Zora, Erica and I. Most of the pics from the bar came out hazy from the dry ice so Zora played with this one's coloring and I think it looks great.

James was lovin the ape thing. He was totally in character for most of the night.... that is until he got hammered. The gloves came off first, the head soon followed. We found him asleep behind our car in the parking lot. He decided that'd be the best spot so we wouldnt leave without him. Hahaha.
And lastly here is a shot of us all, except for Kelly since she was taking the pic. I'm pretty sure that everyone had a pretty good time. Halloween is usually my least favorite holiday but after last night I guess it's not so bad.... but it still doesn't compare to christmas.

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

More Picnic Pics

So I decided to post some more pictures from the Arcadia picnic. These hounds were just laying around enjoying the scene. We stopped by several times to admire them and give pets. There was an older guy in back that made James and my hearts melt. He was so lovable.

Heres the clown posing with his dog spot. You can see their star shaped shades better in this one. Silly hounds, shades are for hoomans.
I can't be positive but I think this long-legger bloodhound was named China Moon. She was very beautiful and was patient all the short-leggers.

Here is Cowboy taking a quick power nap between heats of the costume contest. We were literally standing ringside watching the show and he was bustling with energy when suddenly he collapsed onto this tent, closed his eyes and slept for about 5 minutes. Then he was right back at it, barking, tugging and drooling.
This guy had problems with his right leg so he uses a wheelchair to get around. I think his name was either Buster or Baxter. His owner said he didnt need the chair on a daily basis but for an event like this it would make it easier on him.

Here is a better picture, a closeup of him. He got around just fine and even won a contest or two.
Here is Cowboy socializing with a doxie and another Basset. There were actually quite a few Daschunds at the picnic. I think a lot of Basset owners have Daschunds too. They must have some similarities or something.

Here is a goup of bandana wearing hounds. There were actually quite a few hounds who had bandanas on. Every color from pink to blue to green and even halloween designs.
And for you non-basset slaves, this gal is wearing what is referred to as a snood. It has elastic and covers around the neck and top of head. It holds basset ears back when eating, drinking and playing in the rain. They are commonly known to basset owners and are sold in stores and rescues. Too funny looking.

Monday, October 22, 2007

Basset Hound Picnic: Arcadia, CA

So yesterday we drove north to attend the BHRSC picnic in Arcadia. There was probably at least 120 hounds along with multiple slaves. We were amazed at the fact that each hound looked different. I mean you group 100 labs together and I'm sure you can't tell most apart, but Bassets are like people...each one unique in his/her own way.
2 little buppies, sleeping in the shade. These little lovers are only 4 months old. Look at the belly on the one in front. I could give bellyrubs to these babies all day long. While sale of puppies was not permitted, these little ones had yet to find homes and I'm sure there were many who were interested yesterday.

There were lots of contests including various costume catagories, a howl-off, longest ears, most spots, most wrinkles and waggiest tail.
This hound was one of the smart guys who remembered to bring his shades. The weather was warm and sunny, yet there was plenty of shade to keep the furkids cool.

This little hobo was so cute. He had his plaid pants on, a patched shirt and even had a hat with flowers on it. The flowers squirted water out just like a real hobo clown. So cute. I wanted them all to win and I felt so bad for the cuties who didnt place.

This little beauty was in the elgant costume contest. She had a ribbon sash too for Miss Basset Beauty Queen. I love the dress, who wouldve thought you could get a basset to wear this?

Put the food down and step aside. Officer basset came prepared with handcuffs and all. He looked so serious too.

This little yankee fan had a hat too which got cut out of the picture. While I'm not a Yankee fan usually, I couldnt help but adore this little guy for his team loyalty.

This goofball was quite the clown and came complete with his dog Spot, a wannabe dalmatian that followed him around. His sunglasses were purple and shaped like stars. Cowboy would never wear the wig or shades.

There were a couple little bugs in the costume contest too. Here is a cute little lady, just cute as a bug.

And here is a caterpillar. He came with another hound who was dressed as a lobster. Very funny and nicely done costumes.


Here are a couple football players wandering around as their pawrents shop for rescue.

And here is a better shot of the catapillar and lobster as the pose with the little yankee fan in the background. Too funny, I tell you. They were all just waddling around in their little outfits, all proud.

But the funniest and the winner was Miss Piggy. She had a nose, wig and ears along with a little red/white polka dot leotard and a Miss Piggy sash. The young two-legger was Kermit and together they looked hilariously cute.

I attempted to have Cowboy participate in the howling contest but he sat in silence for the entire audition. A couple made feeble attempts to howl but this guy took the cake as he howled to the song, Bump and Grind. So loud into a microphone, which made it that much funnier.

As soon as we left the ring from the howling contest, guess who began to howl....nonstop. He howled on and on for about an hour. Even James who was asleep on our blanket about 100 yards away could hear Cowboy howlilng AND could tell it was Cowboy's howl out of the many others that were there.
This was taken about 5 minutes into our drive home. Cowboy was like a little kid. He was sitting up trying his hardest to stay awake but was so worn out that his eyes just couldnt keep from closing. Too freaking cute! I love this guy.

Up In Smoke

Here is the latest map of evacuation for the SD wildfires. We're safe for now, we live South of the 56 and to the west by the water. My work however is on the eastern end of Scripps Poway Pkwy, which as you can see is under evacuation with the burn area approaching quickly......all we can do now is wait. Currently over 600 structures have burned. No work for me until at least Wednesday.

Fluid dogs

Of course, my favorite is the basset.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Money Money Money

Ok, so today was all about money. Let me explain. First I had to start by going to the most dreadful place on Earth - work. All so I can make a little money. Then as I head home I stopped at the gas station...and had to spend money. As I'm pumping money (literally) into my car I begin to count my money that is in my purse. What? Only $8 - but I had a $100 bill in there last night. Dump the purse, search the car, nothing. I've lost a $100 bill. Sad, poor (again literally) me. I rack my brain trying to think where I couldve lost the money. I come up with nothing. So I drive home sad and poor. Arrive home, search the car thoroughly - only money I find totals $0.12. I see my neighbors outside and tell them all about the missing money. No one admits to finding my money.....hmmm. Still sad and poor I grab the mail and head inside. Dump out the purse hoping I've just overlooked it, no moola. Open the mail and what do I see? No, not a $100 bill - BETTER! A notice from the SD Superior Court;I know, you're thinking how can anything from court be better than $100. But it is. It says that my red light camera ticket has been dismissed and my refund check of $417 (!) will be mailed to me in 6-8 weeks. Wooooo-hooooo!Yeah! HiphipHooray! ZippityDoDah! Say it however you want but I am thrilled!!! Screw the hundred, I get four. I am still on the hunt though for the missing money.

Sunday, October 14, 2007

competition for buckys benefits bassets

Start with a cup of outstanding Arabica Specialty grade coffee, stir in a little milk and a whole lot of heart and you’re drinking a delicious cup of coffee from Moon Doggie Coffee Roasters located in northeast New Jersey. They offer high quality coffee at competitive prices—buying from farms and estates that hand-pick and sort their beans—to guarantee their coffee is of superior grade.

Turning beans into bucks for basset hounds…this is where the heart of Moon Doggie Coffee Roasters really shines. Each year, this New Jersey roaster donates proceeds from the sale of their custom blend coffee to the Tri-State Basset Hound Rescue—a group dedicated to the welfare and well being of basset hounds. Moon Doggie Coffee Roasters creates special coffee blends & flavors named in honor of rescued basset hounds. To date, they donated more than $6000 to this wonderful charity. Visit their retro cafĂ©, the storefront for their coffee roasting operation, in Maywood, NJ. 201-556-0111;1-888-JAVADOG.

Click here to check it out.

not a basset but still quite funny

may i have this dance?

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Ears to you babe

Shakespeare described the Basset Hound with the following poetic image: "Ears which sweep away the morning due."
A basset hound living in the central German town of Fulda has made it into the Guinness Book of Records for having the longest ears in the world, measuring 33.2 cm. One-year-old Jack's ears are so long that he sometimes trips over them and has a hard time keeping them off the ground.

Cowboy's ears aren't nearly this long but we still intend to enter him into the longest ear contest next weekend at the Arcadia Basset Hound Picnic just to have the official measurement. He'll also be a contestent in best howl, waggiest tail, most spots and largest package. HAHA just kidding about that last one, but we know he'd stand a chance if they had it.

Slave to the Paw

I love this photo.
Anyone who has ever been owned by a Basset will know only too well what it is like to be a basset slave.

The Basset Hound is sweet, gentle, devoted, peaceful and naturally well-behaved. They fit into family life well. They are mild but not timid; very affectionate, stubborn, forgiving. They like to do tricks for food. They have a deep musical bark. The name Basset Hound comes from the French word "bas" meaning low.

Fun Filled Friday

There's nothing better on a friday night than some good beers with good friends while bowling your ass off! Last night James, me and 4 other friends took to thew lanes to knock down some pins. There was some good competition for the first gane. Second game we all sucked but somehow the beers tasted better......funny how that happens.

Friday, October 5, 2007


Hoooray! I am finall back online people! I dont even know what to do with myself. So many emails to catch up on, so much freaking blogging to do. My computer has been out of service since mid-august as you can see by my last blod entry. Its still not healed but my neighbor loaned me an extra laptop and then it took me another 3 days to get the inet working. But finally, I am here.

On another note, my mom was looking forever for "the perfect weathervane". She even went as far as telling me "i hope you're not buying me a weathervane for my birthday because I'm really picky about them" ....Hummph, wasnt gonna get you one anyway. hehe. but I did find this one and I totally want it. So freaking cute,now I just need a barn!