Sunday, November 25, 2007

only $35 but still.....

i am so mad. i am participating in a howliday card exchange for my basset hound listserve. you make a card with your hound on it and send it to a bunch of people and then in return you receive a bunch of cards with hounds on them too. i signed up for the medium list which means I have to send about 100 cards and I should receive about the same number. (holy cow!) but anyway i finally have been trying to make our cards online. i made cute ones on shutterfly but it totaled nearly $60 for 100 of them and that was after a $22 discount.
i then found i could make em on vistaprint and pay only $22 for 100 cards (50% discount) - great deal, huh. well i made the cards and continued thru the checkout. with shipping and everything it was gonna cost $33. after i entered my credit card and everything it came to a process order screen that said something about a special deal. i figured it was just referring to the 50% off deal i was already getting. i pressed confirm and my order processed.....for $68!!!!! yep, they tricked me and added some special deal on the end for me to confirm. it added 150 cards to our order. i tried to cancel/change my order but whaduya know? they don't make changes or do keep costs low or so they say. i think its more because this probably happens often.
so the lesson i learned - i should have trusted my longtime vendor shutterfly. instead i went with someone new to try and save a few bucks, only to spend $35 more than i intended and about $10 more than shutterfly would have charged. i know its only $35 but its Christmas and i'm broke and now i'm even broker.

grrrrr, thanks for letting me rant! if you want a holiday card i think i should have some extras. :)

1 comment:

Debbi said...

I would totally LOVE a holiday card or 150......