Friday, December 7, 2007

Wreath of Bassets

These are the Christmas cards I have received so far in my Howliday Card Exchange. I love getting cards in the mail and now I'm coming home to find about 3 per day. They're also one of the only Christmas-y thing I have in my house. (No tree, lights, etc - too much work). I made the wreath with an embroidery hoop and clothespins....super easy.
I'm sad to admit though, I'm a slacker so my unmailed cards are still sitting in a box by my couch, untouched. And my ink is in a target bag in my trunk, no labels or stamps purchased yet.....Farley leaves tomorrow, boo-hoo ;( so I will get caught up after that.

Did i mention that he gets his own private flight. so funny, can't wait to get pics of him taking off. A family in Torrance has their own little plane. They need to fly every so often to maintain the plane and licenses so they do this kind of thing all over California to help Bassets. I talked to the lady today and she told me her 12y/o granddaughter comes with them and acts as a personal flight attendant to the hound, who by the way, doesn't have to be crated. And when I told her he has a little case of seperation-anxiety she said she'd pick him up some Micky D's hamburgers so that he'd grow to like her real fast, lol. I feel like i'm sending my kid off to college or something. I even packed a bag for him with a bone, toy and baggy of food. :)

1 comment:

nikki peterson said...

the weath turned out cute. now get your butt to work and get those cards out slacker!